Fitrah Manusia dari Sudut Pandang Islam
This study aims to examine the concept of human fitrah from an Islamic perspective, as well as its implications for understanding human life in spiritual, moral, and social contexts. Fitrah in Islam is considered as the natural state of humans, created in a pure condition and inclined toward good, which can develop through the individual's interaction with the environment and religious teachings. The research method used in this study is library research with a descriptive-analytic approach, analyzing primary and secondary sources related to the concept of fitrah in the Qur'an, hadith, and tafsir. The results of the study show that human fitrah in Islam functions as the foundation of morality and spiritual potential, which should be developed through revelation and proper religious education. This concept is of great relevance in shaping the character of individuals and communities in accordance with Islamic teachings. The contribution of this study is to provide new insights for future researchers in exploring the role of fitrah in moral development and its role in broader social life, as well as applying the concept of fitrah in the modern context and the challenges of everyday life.
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Penerbit: Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak