Pelatihan Penulisan Latar Belakang pada Artikel Jurnal dan Teknis Publikasi Ilmiah

Husniah Ramadhani Pulungan, Muhammad Roihan Daulay


This community service aims to provide training in writing backgrounds for journal articles and scientific publication techniques. This is done so that participants can write in aeasier, more systematic, sharp, creates research gaps, creates novelty in research, and is able to make online submissions to target journals.The method used was in the form of providing materials and practicums with a total of 26 participants. This activity was carried out via Zoom outside of lecture hours and working hours. The results obtained were that the participants were very enthusiastic in consulting their backgrounds and also understanding the online submission process to the target journal with the right process. In addition, the results of this PKM are also expected to improve participants' writing skills in writing the background of the problem in the introduction of the article and at the same time publishing it in a scientific journal.


Coaching Clinic, Background, Journals, Articles, Publications.

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